Monday, January 24, 2011

From Maine to New Zealand

We're on our way to New Zealand for another great adventure. After leaving Maine, we stopped in L.A. to visit the Schall family and Barbi and John Norton.
It has been a wonderful start to a long trip that will last for five weeks.

We spent time with Dave's brother Roy, and Em, then had a lovely Mexican dinner party at niece Laura's new home with Brian, Sara, and Emma, as well as niece Melissa and her family, Keith, Kellen, and Cairn.
It is much too long between visits to the California family!

While visiting Barbi and john we toured much of So. Cal and enjoyed sunny days. The Getty museum was a special treat, as was the walk along the beach at Malibu, the trip to Joshua Tree National Park and the visits to Palm Springs and Palm Desert.
Next stop, Tahiti, on the way to Auckland, NZ


David Schall said...

Looks like you all had a great time! The Getty is fantastic. That was one of Roy's recommendations when I was there a few years back.

Everyone looks great...I'm sad I missed this.

hes said...

See you in Christchurch.

Hugh & Georgia