Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A drive that pictures can't describe

     We have had 2 spectacular days of driving.  Yesterday we drove East parallel to the Alps across Tyrol in Germany from Innsbruck to the castle of Neuschwanstein.  It was rolling dairy land with beautifully kept fields in the process of the first hay cutting.  On our left the whole day were the Alps.  We were on smaller roads so every 20 km or so we went through another small farm town that may have one restaurant.  We were frequently slowed down by farm machinery moving down the road.

     The end of the trip was the fair tale castle of King Ludwig II of Bavaria.  Perched high on a mountain top on the North edge of the alps looking over the beautiful country that I have just describe, was the model for the castles at Disneyland and Disney World.  Then a beautiful, but now common drive to Innsbruck, where from the city you can touch the mountains.
     The drive through the Brenner Pass from Innsbruck to Italy on a sunny day in spring was absolutely the most beautiful drive I have ever had.  Pictures couldn't show it  because the distance doesn't seem to show the detail and the contrast.  We were also driving on an autobahn and could not stop.  These mountains are still snow capped but the valleys and even the passes have early spring growth with the bright light green of early tree leave against the dark green of the pines and the starkness of the snow covered mountain peaks. On anything short of steep there were beautiful meadows and small towns with sharp tall steepled churches.  There were white billowy clouds overhanging it all.  It was a remarkably easy drive of about 3 hours on good roads with speeds of 65 to 80 mph (100 to 130 km/hr).  Now we are back in Italy where the views are good but the food is great!   Dave.

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