Friday, November 1, 2013

Hangzhou, China

Our bullet train today took us to Hangzhou where we would spend the day and overnight before our return to Shanghai and our trip home. We visited our last Asian temple, the Ling Yin Temple, one of the ten most famous, and wealthiest, Buddhist temples of China and a premier showplace of the West Lake region. In 1961 the temple was listed for protection as a key provincial historical and cultural site and is considered a leading center for research relative to Chinese Buddhist culture. While there, we witnessed a major event as the temple was filled with chanting monks who had just completed their studies. This afternoon we took a small boat cruise on west Lake followed by a visit to a tea village and the area of Long Jing, Dragon Well where one of the most famous Chinese green teas is grown. 

After dinner, we enjoyed the Impression West Lake Show. This show, a spectacle of light, music, and dancers is directed by Zhang Yimou who was in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. It is a beautiful outdoor show, performed on the water, and the dancers appear to be walking on water as every step kicks up a spray. Afterwards we adjourned to our lovely Chinese garden hotel to prepare for our return home. It has been a wonderful month and we have many great memories to take home with us.

Chinese family with Dave at entrance to temple
Happy Buddha
Golden Buddha
Monks at prayer
On West Lake 

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