Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bora Bora

Before we headed for home, we made a 4-day stop in Paradise. Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful and relaxing places we have ever visited. The air is clear, the water is emerald, the island is lush and everyone greets you with the melodic, “Iaorana”. Our resort was situated on Moto Piti Aau, a reef off the main island, with villas perched on stilts out in the lagoon. We loved to jump off our deck into six feet of warm crystal clear water with pure white sand below.

The pictures show the beauty all around with the stately Mt. Otemanu always in our sights. That’s Dave bending over to feed the sting rays that come in every afternoon for feeding. He’s also resting on the lone hammock out in the lagoon. The last picture is of some of the Polynesian women at work around the property on their 3-wheeled bikes.

So hard to believe it’s all over. What a wonderful trip it was!


Anonymous said...

Phone lines were hot last night in Maine--hoping you had left New Zealand before the horrendous earthquake....love all your pixs and commentary!!! Millie

David Schall said...

Just saw the pics. I hate you guys right now....if you were in Michigan, you would realize that what those pictures are equals dangling a ham in front of a starving man. It is miserable here. We've been shoveling snow consistently for days.

Glad you had fun. Carolyn called yesterday to make sure you weren't involved in the earthquake in Christchurch. I assured her no....we had a nice visit on the phone.

Call me!
