Sunday, February 13, 2011

Doubtful Sound

One of the highlights of our trip was the overnight visit to Doubtful Sound, a remote, unspoiled wilderness, aboard the Fiordland Navigator. To get there, we took a ferry across Lake Manapouri and a bus over Wilmot Pass (first photo) to reach Deep Cove, Doubtful Sound where we boarded our boat.

We cruised the various arms of the sound, stopping to enjoy some water activities. Dave and Hugh kayaked while Georgia and I took our cameras out in one of the tenders. Later on Dave and Hugh went swimming for a very brief time in the freezing waters of the sound.

The pics below are of the Navigator, a view from on board, sunset, and sunrise.

1 comment:

David Schall said...

Stunning pics yet again guys. I want full quality copies of these when you get home.