Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fukuoka, Japan

Back to my tales...still on Kyushu Island, we took the train to its largest city, Fuokuoka, for one night on our way across Japan. Before venturing out into we city, we enjoyed a buffet lunch at a cafe owned by renowned chef, Harumi Kurihara, known as the Japanese Martha Stewart. Then, while on a walking tour of the city, temples and shrines, we came upon a sumo wrestling competition of little boys. Each match only lasted a few seconds, and at the end of the event trophies were presented. Later on, the ladies went off to shop. I stopped into a small store where they were making kimonos, and one of the ladies pulled me aside and asked if I would like to try one on. Of course I said yes, so she proceeded to wrap me up in the many layers. What fun! I said, "Now I look like an auntie." Our translator was there and snapped pics of the event, sunglasses and all.

Sumo wrestling kids

A Pagoda
Playing dress-up

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