Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Nansuo Village, Hu County, China

   Early the next morning, we departed for Nansuo Village in Hu County to spend the morning with a local farmer and his family. Hu County is famous in China for its "farmers' paintings" themed on figures, animals, flowers, and the beautiful rural scenery of the county. Our host, Mr. Zhang Qingui, is one of the most famous painters, having his work on exhibit nationally. He walked us through his village where he is currently painting murals on the walls of a street that will become the new entrance to the town, then took us up to his gallery where he painted a picture for us and let me try painting one. He proceeded to complete my picture and sign it with his and my names in Chinese. Wow. Meanwhile, his wife and family were preparing lunch for us, a sumptuous meal using all the local vegetables in savory sauces, a cold, spicy noodle dish and a wonderfully fragrant noodle soup.

   That night we went to a famous dumpling restaurant where the dumplings are all in different shapes representative of their fillings. Later we walked through a newly constructed Central Park that was lit by trees wired with multi colored lights all leading to the town's Buddhist pagoda. At the end of the park, many people were ballroom dancing in one area and line dancing in another. Such a lively night scene!

One of Mr. Zhang's Town wall murals

Mr. Zhang

Dave and the dragon


The city center at night

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