Friday, April 4, 2008


Our stay in Australia was in Port Douglas, the town closest to the Great Barrier Reef. Dave had made plans to dive the reef and I chose to spend the day in the Daintree Rainforest. I left early in the morning with a small group and traveled to the rainforest where we met our Aboriginal guide of the Kuku Yalanji tribe. This interesting man was also a healer and throughout our walk in the forest he told us how generations of Aborigines had used forest products medicinally. Next we took a boat ride on the Daintree river into the fragile ecosystem of water and mangroves where we spied crocodiles and snakes – from a safe distance.

The treat of the day was a visit to the Botanical Ark in the Mossman Gorge - a rainforest sanctuary of rare, exotic fruit trees and wildlife facing extinction created by a couple from America who came to Australia twenty years ago, built a home, raised a family, and imported plants and seeds from rainforests and tropical locations around the world to create a world class botanical garden. Our tour there ended with lunch in the couple’s home prepared with exotic fruits and vegetables from their gardens. Yum!


1 comment:

Roy Schall said...

We have been there several times. The barrier reef was at lowest low tide the last time, and we could see the tops of the coral out of the water. The Daintree Rain Forest was the very best, especially the walk through the trees with ferns and orchids growing au natural. Great stuff. I am so jealous.