Saturday, April 12, 2008

Impressions of Agra, India

Camels pulling carts…cows walking in the street…dogs lying in the streets – people afraid of them - so many are rabid…early morning drive through the town, see bedding out on the sidewalks – too hot indoors…beautiful saris on the women …attractive men and women…our hotel - every room with a view of the Taj… out on the terrace before dawn and at night - listen to the sounds of Agra…always a call to prayer to the west…music playing to the north…a cacaphony of birds…warm in the dark…will be 100 degrees during the day…always the Taj – can’t get enough of it… sparkling white marble…red mosque to the west…guest house to the east…wonderful Indian food…waiter carries nan, warm from the Tandoori oven

1 comment:

hes said...

So it is warm there! We, too, had unseasonably warm weather today and got a lot done in the garden. Now Hugh and I are like zombies!! E-gads! This may be the last garden in us, especially when doing it at a warmer temp.! Keep up the wonderful commentary!
