Thursday, April 10, 2008

Taj Mahal, India

There is not much to say except...the Taj Mahal is.....


hes said...

Loved your vedios of China and Taj Mahal even if they ared from the other side of the world.


hes said...

As you can see I can't spell, as I an spellbound with the pics.


Roy Schall said...

That is a really nice apartment building. You really did take the deluxe trip! Which window is yours?

It looks like you are having a really good time. Wish we were there!

hes said...

Today I am getting caught up with your travels and am loving all your experiences, especially the performance you saw in China! Simply awesome!


Anonymous said...

HI!!! Great blog thanks for sharing!!! RThis is even better than the Amazing Race!!'s almost 50 here!!


David Schall said...

All I can say is that you guys are so lucky to be seeing it all. I can't wait to find out how this puts the world in perspective.

Talked to the kid yesterday. she's all excited about NYC. VERY excited.

This is the last big weekend of the seasonal rush. I can't wait to be able to live life again outside of headphones.

the boy

Roy Schall said...

It's everything I've heard and then some.