Tuesday, September 15, 2009


It was a long day, leaving Portmeirion in Wales and driving across Ireland to our next stop. We took the ferry from Wales to a spot just outside Dublin where we picked up our car. The ferry was like the CAT from Maine to Nova Scotia, very comfortable and with calm seas.

We opted for a down day next and played outside all day. First we went horseback riding through the woods, then we took a beautiful walk along the river to the little town of Cong near our hotel. The piece de resistance came mid afternoon when we went on a Hawk Walk. The hotel has a Falconry School and they fly owls and hawks. We met our guide and flew the big owl first, then we both met our hawks, Milly and Skelly, and walked for an hour along the trails and through the woods around the vast property. The picture is of Milly, my hawk and the larger female variety. She is sitting on my outstretched hand waiting for the command to fly. It was fascinating working with these beautiful, strong birds. When you release them, they fly away looking for prey - mice or rabbits, depending on the size of the bird. Then, when you put out your arm, they fly back and settle on the strong glove you are wearing. Our guide kept giving us bits of food to hold, and when the bird lands, you open your hand and let them take the treat.
At the end of the day, we took a boat ride around Lake Corrib where the hotel was situated.

The next picture is of the pretty river that runs past the hotel and into the lake.

The final pic is of our home away from home for two days - Ashford Castle.

1 comment:

hes said...

Dave and Debbie,

Fantastic. How are the rooms at the hotel?
