Thursday, September 10, 2009

Notes from the other seat in the coach V 2.0

Who is she kidding, "having fun"! It is as challanging as instrument flying and requires as much attention. The speed limits on the motor routes is 70 mph, which generally goes about 5 miles until you hit a round-a-bout. There are no cross roads here. Everything is a round-a-bout and you are turning left and looking for the right exit as you travel around. "A" routes are our most common roadways between towns. They are the equilavent of a state road only sometimes they narrow to 10 foot lanes and the speed limit is 50 or 60. I tend to collect traffic behind me because they can be quite windey. Deb thinks the trees are close, I have mirrors opposing at 100 mph. Most of the time traffic has been very light, however, and the weather and scenery delightful. Today we drove to the beaches of southern Wales. Quite beautiful and very undiscovered by Americans. The roads here however, would not let 2 cars pass. Several times we would pull off with one wheel in the grass and the hedgerow wiping the car as the opposing car was doing the same, both at a crawl.

We have discovered country that we never knew existed. This area of Wales is as lovely as the Cotswolds, except for the building character. The people are quite proud of their region and keep it well mowed and very clean and freshly painted. The towns are clustered and the hillsides rolling with fields separated by hedgerows. I would love to have a farm here.

I'll let Deb post the pictures and describe the food. So far we couldn't have hoped for a better trip.

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