Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Charlotte Bay, Antarctic Peninsula

Our first Zodiac tours were to begin at 6AM this morning.  At 4AM they woke us with a public announcement that the winds were 45 knots and we would be cancelling our tours for the day.  Two hours later we arrived at an alternate location, Charlotte Bay.  This is a true hurricane hole surrounded by 5,000-foot mountains and glaciers.  The wind all day was no greater than 5 knots, the sky was as blue as the water and the temp rose to 45 degrees. Ours was the last departing ride at 1:30.  Calm waters, bright sun and icebergs all around.  I think it was the best Antarctica has to offer. 

Fur seals sunning on an iceberg

1 comment:

David Schall said...

Too bad for you guys vthere isn't anything to see there. Geez....I can see that in my fridge. ;)