Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cuverville Island and the Gentoo Penguins

Fair warning:  Do not visit us in the next 6 months if you do not want to see pictures of penguins!!!

Only a couple of miles from our stop yesterday, Cuverville Island is home to many Gentoo penguins.  They differ in a white patch behind the eye and a tail that they drag behind them when walking and fan at times on the nest.  You smell the island from a mile away,  (Kind of like Iowa).  The sky was grey but little wind and moderate temperature.  We had a short Zodiac ride to the beach.  Penguins everywhere.  They are never boring to watch or photo (thus the warning).  We climbed over the ice and snow about 200-300 vertical to a several small rookeries.  At the top, we enjoyed a sip of champagne, the residual of an engagement that had occurred only minutes before and was provided to the couple by the ship’s staff.  The climb for us was mostly for exercise, but the penguins do this multiple times a day to feed and return to feed the young.   Of course for those not as foolish as us there are many nesting sights right at shoreline. All along the shore and out to the boat they darted and porpoised lightening fast and streamlined in the water.  They walk up and down this hill awkwardly.

Our reward on return to the ship was a fabulous lunch and a nap.

Antarctica Seabourn style

Feeding a chick

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