Sunday, January 25, 2015

Chasing Whales; Neko Harbor, Grahm Island

We drew the straw for the 6AM Zodiac tour and landing, but because a nearby glacier had calved and the ice blocked our landing beach.  We were restricted to traveling around in the Zodiac chasing 4 humpback whales as they fed in the harbor.  Later in the day the captain informed us we had set the southern record for Seabourn Quest at 65 degrees 12.3 minutes South Latitude.  We started our departure for South America cruising with a pod of 18 killer whales and more humpbacks out into the open seas with 3 meter swells but little wind.

Fair warning #2:  If you visit us in the next 6 months;  after we have bored you with penguin (and now whale) pictures I am prepared to lecture on glacial thermodynamics and the tectonic plate movements of Gondwanaland.

Deep diving humpback

While we were under way our expedition team chased the whales shooting over 1500 pictures in order to catalog the individual Orcas

Two adults and one young calf

1 comment:

David Schall said...

Great photos Mom! This is all spectacular. I can't believe you guys are getting to experience all of this. By the way, in case you haven't seen the news at home, Brunswick is apparently under more snow than you guys have there. From one glacier to another.....