Friday, January 23, 2015

Port Charcot, Booth Island (65 degrees, 04 minutes South)

Cloudy, somewhat windier and a path shoveled across the deck to breakfast.  Another day, another rookery.  But!!!!! Although the winds and seas got stronger we headed out on our Zodiac tour to beautiful icebergs and were joined by 4 humpback whales that fed around us and then came right up to check us out.  We stayed and played with them for 20 minutes.  The hike on shore was an Antarctic challenge.  Winds now greater than 15 knots and blowing sleet and rain.  We got a few pictures of the Adelie penguins before heading back to the ship in heavy seas.  The Zodiacs are remarkably stable but we took sea spray nonetheless.  In true Seabourn style we were met at the top of the gangway, wet and cold with trays of aquavit and vodka.  At least our tummies were warm.  Off with the gear and into a hot bath and we call the day a marvelous victory.

Adelie penguins have no white on their head but white eye rings

Gentoo and Adelie nesting together

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