Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 5 at Sea

We have been at sea now for 5 days.  Passing Port Stanley in the Falklands we could see why the captain had chosen to go by.  There is a narrow entrance between the outer and inner harbor and we had winds of 45 knots.  He would be unable to make it through safely.  With the extra time he slowed down in the heavy seas on our way to Antarctica.  He also avoided a second low at the Cape and moving east.  So we are now well into the Drake Passage and out of the heavy seas and wind.  Neither of us became sea sick and most of the passengers did very well.  It is a nice and very stable ship.  So we have proceeded to eat the great food and drink moderately.

There are lots of lectures and today more drills and briefings on safety, riding the Zodiacs, and behavior on the shore.  It has been snowing on and off today and the temp is in the high 30s.  We are to expect temps around freezing while ashore.  We are well drilled on the use of our cameras with 2 lectures or workshops most days.  Our gear was all vacuumed today to prevent us from introducing any foreign material onto the land.  We will have shores excursions that last about 1 1/2 hours each with lots to see and photo from the ship.  We have about 18 hours of daylight.  So far all our pictures are for practice so we have none to send along.

We are supposed to receive the football games today and are promised a grand tailgate party for the Superbowl.

Tomorrow the adventure begins.


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