Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Half Moon Bay, South Shetland Islands

Yesterday was our first footing on land in 5 days and our first contact with Antarctica.  We anchored in Half Moon Bay in the South Shetland Islands.  Our captain placed us only a couple hundred yards from shore so the Zodiac ride to the beach was only 2 minutes.  All bundled against the cold, our group was the first to depart.  We go ashore in groups that alternate in their turns for any outing.  Approx 10 to a Zodiac, we stepped into shallow water on a rocky, pebbled beach and climbed and hiked across snowfields to the rookeries of Chinstrap Penguins.  We had a sunny early start, but the weather changes constantly. 

We cannot stop taking pictures, Deb stills and me video.  I lost Deb among the penguins snapping happily with her camera.  I witnessed two petrels capturing and eating a penguin chick.  Life is harsh in this environ.  Some are included.  There is a constant smell of guano that we cannot include with the pictures.  Each group has a 90 minute outing and our return was in 15 knot winds with some spray over the bow of the Zodiac.

1 comment:

David Schall said...

Wow! Just now getting to catch up on all the adventure....this is spectacular! I can't wait to see the video. Hoping Dad has that all under control. Love you! - the boy