Friday, January 23, 2015

Waterboat Point (64 degrees 49”S, 62 degrees 59” W)

The weather is more typical Antarctica, low clouds, light rain and 30C.  This is a social stop at a Chilean station built on a Gentoo rookery.  I think the pictures speak for themselves.  It is only occupied in the summer.

We had light rain that transitioned into snow and fog, so we are slowly moving toward our next destination.  The speed is to avoid the ice in the low visibility.  Just as we were about to have our “Caviar on the Ice” cocktail party outside in the snow and rain, we were surrounded by somewhere near 15 Orca, like Free Willie, swimming along side the ship.  Two are named and registered but last seen 3 years ago.  One of our naturalists is an Orca specialist and maintains and updates an international registry.  This siteing included 2 of their calves.  It made the dreary day much more exciting.  During the early evening we passed through a strait only 600 meters wide with 1000-meter mountains on both side and icebergs in the channel.  It was very interesting and although nicknamed the Kodak Channel, was so foggy no pictures worked.

Penguins on their pebble nests

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